- Super User
- Immunology
- Hits: 5768
Master 2: MU5BM560 - "Systems Immunology"
- Title: "Reducing complexity of multidimensional data - applications on polyfunctional T cell immunology"
- Title: "Ontogeny, plasticity and physicochemical properties of human T cells"
- Title: "Hands on session - T cell repertoire and polyfunctionality analysis" (Try it yourself: Sample data)
Master 2: MU5BM560 - "Systems Immunology"
Master 2: "Physiopathologie des Reponses Immunitaires"
Master 2: MU5BM569 - "Conferences sur l'allergie"
- Title: "Allergy and microbiota"
Master 1: MU4BM003 - "Interface système immunitaire microorganismes environment"
License 3: LU3SV644 - "Immunologie : Enjeux en sante publique"
- Title: "Microbiota and allergy"
License 3: LU3SV649 - "Physiology and Immunology"
Voyage through our digestive system
Microbiota ecology changes in early life (by Dr. Rob Knight)
An interesting approach to save the colonic microbiota
Note! Publicity