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Martin LARSEN |
Staff scientistAcademic degrees: 2000-02: Master in molecular biology (University of Aarhus, Denmark) 2002-04: PhD in immunology (University of Aarhus, Denmark and Nemod GmbH, Berlin, Germany) (download thesis) 2016: Doctor of Science (Habilitation à diriger des recherches, HDR) “Environmental triggers of human autoimmunity” (University of Paris 6, France) Scientific positions: 2004-06: Post Doc (University of Birmingham, UK) 2006-10: Scientist (Inserm UMR-S945, Paris, France) 2010-2017 : Senior scientist (CIMI, Inserm UMR-S1135, Paris, France) 2017- : Associated professor (Sorbonne University, Paris, France) 2020- : Team leader - Immunity & Microbiota Ecology (CIMI, Inserm U1135, Paris, France) Voluntary work: 2022- : Associate Editor. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology - Microbiome in Health and Disease 2023- : Associate Editor. Microbiome Project: Identification of environmental triggers of human disease Role: Team Leader Administrative: Project coordinator, funding/budget, recruitment, supervision, management. Scientific: Immuno-reactive gut microbiota (patient recruitment, sample processing, metagenomic analysis, clinical and biological database and data mining, internal and external presentations, writing reports and manuscripts). Bibliography: |