Video Tutorials


Video tutorials

FunkyCells ToolBox - David IOSIFESCU
This presentation explains how the web application of FunkyCells Toolbox can be applied to biological data.



ChatGPT and OpenAI - Martin LARSEN (Slides)

Of note, since my video presentation I have added a few slides (you can download above). In particular I realised that a ChatGPT detection tool exist (GPT-2 Output Detector). I tried the tool and it works well for texts completely generated by ChatGPT, but if you ask it to improve a text not written by ChatGPT, it doesn't seem to be able to detect the improvements. Generally, it seems to work best with long texts. In conclusion, the tool works but does suffer from a significant number of false positives and false negatives. I'm not convinced that we have the time to verify all texts and hand written text (copied from ChatGPT) would be difficult to test.


DADA2 Tutorial - Remy VILLETTE



DADA2 discusion with Ben CALLAHAN



Lab Guru Tutorial - Manon CHAUVIN



Microscopy - FIJI macros - Alice PASCAULT (script)



Cytoflex S 6 month Maintenance video